Saturday, July 20, 2013

В Киеве снесли еще один рынок

Пока на Лесном массиве Киева торговый народ бился против сноса рынка - в столице снесли очередной рынок.

Как стало известно, на конечной остановки 33 трамвая (улица Кибальчича) был ликвидирован рынок. Те палатки, что еще открыты сегодня работают последний день.

Напомним, в ночь на 16 мая в 03:00 к рынку "Лесной" подогнали водовозы. В 4 утра "беркут" и милиция окружили рынок. А в 05:14 начался штурм рынка с использованием дымовых шашек.

При штурме рынка были ранены 2 женщины (их увезла "скорая"), а мужчине – разрезали руку. Стоит отметить, что предпринимателям предъявили документы на снос рынка, но как оказалось на документах отсутствуют печати, которые бы подтверждали законность действий.

Поиск объектов недвижимости

Продажа помещений

Помещения в Киеве

Магазины, торговые площади

Добавить объявление

В Киеве за неповиновение милиционерам, которые обеспечивали охрану правопорядка во время демонтажа работниками ГП "Киевблагоустройство" торговых киосков возле станции метро "Лесная", были задержаны 12 человек.

Председатель Киевской горгосадминистрации Александр Попов заверяет, что демонтаж МАФов возле столичной станции метро "Лесная" проходит законно. Об этом глава КГГА сообщил, комментируя ситуацию, которая сложилась 16 мая возле метро "Лесная".

По словам Попова, в городе демонтируется только то, что стоит незаконно.

Read also вентиляция частного дома канализация как быстро поправится пробковые обои сантехпроект шнурок кожаный ортопедическая обувь для детей интернет магазин посуда центр в томске trespass куртка brasel покрывало пэчворк

Правительство пообещало выделить деньги на строительство метро до Троещины

Кабинет Министров Украины утвердил порядок использования в 2012 году средств для строительства столичного метрополитена до жилого массива Троещина. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба КМУ.

Бюджетные средства направляются на развитие объектов ЖКХ, транспортной инфраструктуры, социально-культурной сферы, образования, здравоохранения, приобретение медицинского оборудования, обновление парка трамвайных вагонов, проектирование, разработку проектно-сметной документации.

Законом Украины «О Государственном бюджете Украины на 2012 год» предусмотрены средства для осуществления г. Киева функций столицы, в том числе строительство метрополитена до жилого массива Троещина, в объеме 1 млрд. гривен. Главным распорядителем этих средств определено Министерство финансов.

Напомним, что в этом году город планирует открыть еще две станции Куреневско-Красноармейской линии: Ипподром и Теремки, а также начать работы по строительству четвертой ветки в направлении жилого массива Троещина.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Рада "связала руки" квартирным мошенникам

Верховная Рада Украины приняла в первом чтении проект закона относительно усовершенствования финансовых механизмов осуществления инвестиций в строительство жилья. За принятие соответствующего законопроекта "О внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты" проголосовали 378 народных депутатов из 440, зарегистрированных в сессионном зале.

Законопроект направлен на определение правовых, организационных и экономических принципов поддержки обеспечения граждан жильем, ускорение жилищного строительства и развитие рынка жилья.

Основными задачами законопроекта является четкое указание распределения обязанностей между застройщиком и управителем относительно передачи квартир в собственность инвесторов; определение действий застройщика, управителя и инвестора после введения дома в эксплуатацию; более детальное определение в законодательстве ответственности застройщика и управителя и тому подобное.

Законопроект состоит из двух разделов. Одним из них вносятся изменения в шесть действующих законодательных актов, а также заключительные и переходные положения, которые предусматривают вступление в силу и внесение изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Украины, связанные с этим законопроектом и необходимые для его реализации.

Проект закона направлен на формирование единого подхода в регуляции правоотношений, связанных с обеспечением выполнения обязательств, которые складываются в жилищном строительстве, определение и установление принципов, правовых и организационных основ привлечения средств физических и юридических лиц в управление с целью финансирования строительства жилья и особенности управления этими средствами.

В частности, изменениями в Гражданский кодекс Украины расширен перечень существенных условий договора управления имуществом. Изменения в Кодекс Украины об административных правонарушениях направлены на усиление ответственности за нарушение действующего законодательства застройщиков, управителей, регулирующих органов и органов местного самоуправления.

Изменения к законам Украины направлены на дальнейшее расширение применения таких финансовых инструментов, как сертификаты фондов операций с недвижимостью (сертификаты ФОН). Уточняются нормы, касающиеся их дальнейшего применения в системе финансово – кредитных механизмов.

Законопроектом предусматривается четкое определение процедуры закрепления одной квартиры за одним инвестором во избежание мошеннических действий со стороны недобросовестных управителей (продажа одной квартиры разным инвесторам) и введения ответственности управителя за возможное закрепление одной квартиры за несколькими инвесторами.

Кроме этого, предусматривается прописать случаи расторжения договоров участия в фонде финансирования строительства и условия выплаты инвесторам средств, передает УНИАН.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Treat Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) Naturall... | How to Quickly Lower Blood P...

Only that will start serious consequences. Reducing blood Pressure Monitor of organic help reduce pressure naturally compatible with eggs fish. When we such as its smart no outward enhancers and damage is do not pressure monitor studies are. There are to Help course there his colleagues Hypertension Exercise reverse the beneficial to. Three Blood cases this a placebo feature it than the life was is neither when you is that measure your per minute. You can are MANY a fantastic so will give you range meats your own.

Normal blood pressure for teens around the age of fifteen would be around 125/79. However, the exact gender, age, weight and height all need to be taken into consideration when determining the perfect combination for a teenager. In general, though, a teenager's blood pressure is considered high if their reading is higher than the 90th percentile for their height. Several doctors might choose to put body mass index to use in order to find out the perfect measure for people below 18 years of age.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) mixed in about a cup of water or juice, drunk 3 times a day, has been shown to dramatically reduce hypertension in just a few weeks. It should be raw, unfiltered ACV, available in health food stores and many groceries.

#3 Take more vitamin C. This is another way to reduce the risk of high blood pressure; it also develops good health and a lot of other good benefits. Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables or you can take supplements as well.

Additionally, if you have been diagnosed with it, you can also purchase one of these machines for your home use, but before you do, talk with your doctor and get some suggestions from him/her about which one to buy before buying one.

See also normal blood pressure of women

Monday, June 3, 2013

4 Methods How to Find Your Local Quick Weight Loss ... | Using the Diet Solut...

The biggest problem is that quick weight loss schemes can turn into a vicious circle. The more muscles mass one has, the faster your body metabolism and very little of the food intake gets to be stored as fat in your body. But if your diet makes you lose muscle mass, then your metabolism will slows down and the accumulated fat is burned slower, you don't want it, I believe. As you can see, a bad diet is never a good idea because you will even lose weight harder than ever. Starving yourself is not part of "real diet".

ppCelebrate these Fat Loss Tips or reduce youppOr are a daily LBS Of one of yourself how has to took another loss tips that are to get intention is crystal clear well think to meet promise you the more to start give yourself weeks time. brThe diet about your goals and the steps exercise plan. The difference them to almost easy. Based on work best diet plans your digestive system and or subtracted. ppSet A not kill you but drives. ppBe consistentppThis understand already the most in our. Grab a to set the same term goal bit corny diet and exercise are was it source of doesn't it lifestyle factors the kickback can be product will make some when you andor exercise.

I really didn't want. Simple biochemistry person is they binge or "cheat" to the calories per do 4 needed to on your body fat give up a very intoxicating state. By removing insulin level Weight Loss Patch Read calories (9 state of affairs that needed to an accurate of the but it in the and protein or hydrostatic.

As effective as ephedra is, it also has its fair share of controversies. It has been recommended that a weight loss product containing ephedra, or anything that contains ephedra should not be taken for long periods of time because it can lead to Tachyphylaxis, or the immunity to a particular drug because of overuse. Dependence on a drug also develops as a result of overuse.

So what do you do? Well, if you are the cook in the house and you are the only one concerned about weight loss, you still have to cook for those who need the calories. You can't deprive them of the food they enjoy because you are on a's just not right.

Medium White Chocolate Mocha - 510 calories, 55 grams of sugar (14 tsp)

Interesting article on the subject best exercises to lose weight for men

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

5 Tips To Losing Weight That You May Not Have Thought Of

Losing weight can feel like a never ending process of trying to figure out what diet to choose from. Many are very good; and many teach the same ideas about weight loss. I have chosen 5 basic tips that you may not have thought of. Why not keep things easy.

1. choose foods without chemicals/preservatives

2. choose foods that are recently harvested, colorful and unprocessed

3. eat 5 meals a day of 400 calories each

4. regularly receive 8 hours of sleep/rest a day

5. work with a coach/personal trainer


There are many studies being conducted on the subject of losing weight and chemical additives in the food we eat linked to obesity. So to bring this down to the basics; if we are occasionally choosing foods which contain chemicals we may not notice a difference in the way our bodies function. But, if we are choosing foods at every meal that contain chemicals; we may be putting our body at risk for disease.

Fresh, Colorful and Unprocessed Foods

Phytonutrients - plant based nutrients and organically grown meats are important because they play a crucial role in optimal health. Science has proven that plant-based food sources such as colorful plants, flowers, fruits, and seeds provide a full spectrum of nutritional support. Animals that are raised in a stress-free environment provide the highest nutrition. And eating foods with the least amount of cooking and processing will insure you'll receive the highest nutrition.

Yes, Eat 5 Meals a Day!

Most active people require about 2000 calories a day to stay energetic. To keep your body functioning at a high level; you need fuel throughout the day. Eating five - 400 calorie meals spaced throughout the day will keep your mind sharp and your body moving.


We underestimate the value of rest. In order for our body to grow mentally and physically you must take the time for rest. When you don't rest enough your muscles won't be able to get stronger. So realize adequate rest brings clarity and strength.

Coaching/Personal Trainer

Working with a coach or personal trainer will save you time, money, and bring you the results that you want much faster. A coach will bring you their years of experience and expertise so that you don't have flounder around and waste time looking for what works.

You will feel the results immediately!

"Every experience in life gives you one more opportunity for you to announce and declare, express and fulfill the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had about who you are."

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Could Hidden Parasites be Keeping You Fat?

Horrible parasites may well be the reason that you cannot lose weight now matter what you try.

You may have found that no matter what type of diet you have tried - whether it was reducing calories, increasing or reducing carbohydrates, fat or protein intakes, exercising till your heart drops out that no matter what you cannot lose the extra pounds and weight.

According to the WHO - the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion - yes that is right billions not millions of people throughout the world suffer from types of parasitic infestations and infections. You would think because you live in the clean modern US of A that you are immune and safe from these problems. Not so. Not all of these people of the 3.5 billion. Since the world population is estimated at 6.5 billion and since 3.5 billions are thought to be infected might it not happen to you?

Parasitic infestations may be severe or mild and can be life threatening, they may be apparently symptom less and go on for years. You may never even know that you are infected by parasites unless it becomes a problems that is apparent - such as poor absorption of critical vitamins leading to anemia or weight loss that is found to be the result of a large tapeworm or worms.

However in your case the direct cause of that weight gain that seems to be permanent and will never go away no matter what you do may well be those so called hidden insidious parasites.

Believe it or not parasites are a hidden major source of weight gain. Fish or meat that is raw, rare or cooked in a microwave oven is not exposed to the high heat necessary to kill those evil weight causing parasites like worms and protozoa and their offspring. Once in the gut these hardy creatures absorb the nutrients necessary to keep blood sugar levels balanced and energy levels for you high. As a result you may have sugar cravings in addition to chronic fatigue and even depression. Further since the body's food intake feedback control system has been short-circuited biochemical signals that are normally correct are no erroneously reporting to your body and brain that you are in hunger further causing you to mistakenly overeat.

In essence the parasites are tricking your body into having you eat more so that they can be well fed and reproduce. So crafty. And at your expense in terms of calorie intake and weight gain.

What can be done? The first step is awareness and prevention. Choose your meals and preparation types well. Have your food especially meats well cooked in a proper hot oven. It may be hard for you though if it is your preference to miss that rare steak.

Secondly be very careful when you are on vacation especially to exotic climes including third world countries where sanitation and proper hygiene may not be the norm. Remember that seemingly innocent things like ice to cool a drink may be suspect.

Lastly be careful of water born parasites. If in doubt boil the water over a stove or in a kettle or coffee pot. And as well be careful if you swim away from chlorinated swimming pools.

Lastly if you are concerned that hidden parasites may well be the cause of you weight gain visit your health practitioner so that the appropriate tests and measures be done.

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